Saturday, August 26, 2017

Time Stratagies

For this class I feel like I will need to get into a groove to be able to finish all the assignments by the due date. I like that we make our own schedule and can go at our pace each week but I know I'll still need to have good time management skills to be successful in this class. The first article I read was Realistic Study Plans and their were a few main points I really liked. The first tip I loved was to set a study goal rather than just going in blind into a study session. I often find myself start studying with no ending in sight and it really ends up going no where some days but setting a goal to reach will keep me focused. I like having a goal in sight that I can work toward. The second tip I liked was to cut down on hour long sessions and break it into daily 30 minute sessions that you get in a daily routine to achieve success. In the next article I read, 3 steps to recapture time, the best part of that article for me was when it talked about the art of saying no. I often find myself doing other things because people ask me to whenever I need to be studying. I need to push myself to say no to people and put in the time and effort to study. I hope to incorporate these things into my studying routine and hopefully they will be beneficial to me.

(meme about saying no)

1 comment:

  1. Blaine,

    I had a pleasure visiting your blog again! I chose to comment on this post because I am always looking for ways to improve my own time management skills. I skimmed through the article, and I think you are absolutely right when you talk about how hard it is to manage an online class. It is so easy to get caught up in your other classes with hard deadlines to put this one aside. I will take everything you said into consideration when I do my own work. Great job!
