I decided to read another comic book for the part two reading and this one was Rama and his sons. This opens with Rama exiling Sita even though she was pregnant with their child. Valmiki helps raise the children that Sita gives birth too. She gives birth to twin brothers and they are raised in the image of their father and his accomplishments but do not know that Rama is their father. While Rama is the king of his country he is preparing for a sacred horse ritual that will sacrifice the fallen horse but not after his sons capture the horse. Rama sends a man to save the sacred horse but he is killed by the sons as well. Soon after Lakshama is sent to retrieve the horse but he is challenged to a duel and
Hi Blaine, I saw your post here, and it's great that you learned more about Rama (I really like that comic book!)... although it's Week 6 now, and you need to start the Mahabharata. Here's the information for Week 6 reading: Mahabharata; I hope you will get this message in time to do Part A this week, and hopefully Part B.