A few of the topics that I would be interested in writing about this year would be.
1. The first one would be about the Epic Battles. I would focus mainly on the specific battle scenes in the different stories and how it relates back to time now. I think that would be very interesting thing to research and be easy to write about because I would be so inspired by the project topic. The main way I would retell the stories is I could relate them back to my team and how we feud and fight with each other from time to time. I just think there will be a lot of similarities in arguments between these fights and my own.
2. Children's stories are something I think would be interesting to write about. I liked the fables we read last week and think I could do some stories on that. It was easy for me to relate those stories to my own life and I liked that side of it. I would also like to read more of them because I do think that they have some good life values to our own lives. I am also not a super strong reader so short stories are easier to read but can really unlock your creativity and imagination and I like that side of it.
3. Women of the epics would be another topic that sounds very interesting to me. I do not have any previous knowledge about this but I would love to learn more about them. I know in this culture women play a different role in our own so it would be interesting to learn about the different women that have made impacts in this culture. I Know to make a difference some women would have to either be some very important people or just do some very important things and that would be very interesting to write about.
4. Finally, writing about the gods and divas would be the last topic that seems really interesting to write about in this class. I think because we have so many different cultures that we really don't know a lot about others religions and learning where the people think they came from is a cool subject. I also believe that the people of this time had a lot of different gods so their would be a lot of material to learn about.
(meme about indian epics)