Friday, December 1, 2017

Story Week 14

Early on in two young boys lives was a great match between these two boys. They played a golf match just between the two of them at their local club and the loser had to buy a the other one lunch. Bill and Ryan were the two boys names and Bill was in the trees on the last hole. Bill had a one shot lead and knew if he tied the hole then he would get a free lunch. While this seemed like a lot to the boys at the time it would be nothing for them in the future. Bill decided the only way for him to win would be to move his ball from out underneath the tree and all while Ryan wasn't looking. What he didn't know was that their was an old man playing a different hole that happened to see Bill move his ball. Bill ended up winning and got his free lunch but after the round the old man asked him what he did and Bill denied all allegations that he moved his ball. The old man told bill that his cheating would come back to haunt him one day and that he had upset the golf gods forever more.

Fast forward 20 years and Bill and Ryan were playing professional golf together in the biggest tournament of the year. They came down to the last hole and it was all tied up. The winner of this tournament would be considered the best player in the world and would win a prize money of 10 million dollars. Bill once again hit it in the trees and whenever he walked up to his ball he was directly against a tree and had no chance to hit the ball at the green. Bill had to hit the ball out backwards and would end up making a 7 on the hole thus promoting Ryan to win the tournament and collect the prize of 10 million dollars. After the round Bill knew that his Karma had come back to haunt him and realized that his loss was stemmed from that day so long ago. Bill went up to Ryan after the round and told him what he did to him so long ago. While Ryan did not care now as he had just won 10 million dollars, Bill told Ryan that he stills owes him a lunch and promptly went to buy Ryan that lunch that he cheated for 20 years back.

DasharathaAuthors Note: Dasharatha killed a young boy when he was also a young boy and had gotten cursed by the boys father that he also would get taken away from his son once he had one. I told the story of Bill also getting cursed for what he did.

King Dasharatha


  1. Hey Blaine,

    Great story right here. I really enjoyed getting to see how you took the original story and made it into something better. I love the golf twists on all of your stories, I always try to come here when I get a free choice to comment on. Also, Tiger is BACK.


  2. I always love reading your golf-inspired stories! It's a great comedic twist to what normally are very serious stories. It was very fun to read and it was also very clear where the inspiration was from. I will say that there is a lot of repetition near the beginning and in your author's note, and that makes it difficult to read at times.

  3. Hey Blaine! It's cool how you toned the hell down on the severity of the original story. At the same time you are able to keep the meaning and morals intact though which is nice.
