It was one of the biggest days for college golf and the coach had big money on his players for this very important round. He was betting with some of the locals that his boys would play the best that day. He had a lot of confidence in his team and knew they would perform when the pressure was on so he decided to bet a large amount of money that his boys would shoot the lowest. They were going against the best team in the country and while it was going to be hard he still knew how good they were playing and wanted to win big on this bet. The round started and his boys got off to a rough start falling behind early. The coach began to get really angry and yell at his players for playing bad. All of his players had never seen their coach like that and shut down completely. They finished the round and lost to the better team. Their coach yelled and screamed at them to play better because he had just lost a large amount of money due to their poor play. Once they got back home all the players questioned their coach on why he acted so poorly. He had never once yelled at them when they were home and that was part of the reason they always played good. The coach realized what he had did and apologized to his players for his poor behavior. He promised to never act like that again and said he would be encouraging again in their next round. The next week his team was back facing the best team in the country again. This time he bet twice the amount before because he knew what he had to do to make his boys come out on top. The locals gladly took the bet as they had seen how poorly his team had played before. They started the round and his boys once again fell behind early but behind the encouragement of their coach they battled back to beat the best team in the country by 1 shot on the last hole.

The yelling coach
Authors note: The ox was very strong and could pull many pounds but whenever his owner bet he could win a bet he talked badly to him. The ox didn't like that and could not pull the load but the next day the owner talked nicely to the ox and was able to win double the amount of money for another bet.
HI Blaine.
ReplyDeleteGreat story. I thought you did a really good job here. I like how you write your stories about golf because it makes things way more relevant than a Raksasha walking around killing everybody. I thought you did a good job depicting your story and choosing good characters. I thought it was cool how you took the original and made it into something better. Great job here and I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
Hey Blaine! I really enjoyed your story which is surprising because I am not a big fan of golf. In fact I don't like using the word hate but I kind of hate golf. I don't even like putt putt. This story was well written and even though it was modified to be relatable to modern times, the original idea of the story is still there. Great job!